Tuesday, May 16, 2006

dare to love completely

something else profound my friend kevin wrote:

I saw the inside of a chocolate wrapper today and all it said was "Dare to love completely." Nothing else. This immediately struck me as amazingly prolific. My love is conditional. "I love
so and so because they do whatever." When in reality there shouldn't be a because. I should love without condition. No matter what someone does (or doesn't do) I should love them. We often add a "because" onto our love. We say, "I will love you if..." But God doesn't, he just tells us "I will love you, no matter what." This amazes me. Why in the world would God, the creator of everything, say "I will love you" with no stings attached!! What in the world did I do to deserve this extravagant and unconditional love? Nothing, yet I still receive it! That's about as crazy as Donald Trump walking down the street saying "I will give you 1 million dollars because you were the first person I saw." I mean God is crazy for loving us without conditions. But it is that craziness that we try to emulate. We try to love without conditions, but we fail. I try my hardest to love my friends, but there are times where I completely have no love for them because of something they did. And these people are my friends! What kind of friend am I if I wont love them unconditionally??