Sunday, April 30, 2006

the hole

i want to post something my friend kevin heim wrote. it is amazingly profound. check it out and think about it.

"We as people stuff out lives with things to fill the hole in our heart, but they just dont fit. We are trying to put a square through the circle hole. I for one try and fill it with alot of stuff, my car, music, friends, and junk that i think will make my life better. But it dosent, it only makes me long for more things. And these things arent nescarrily physcial, they are experiences and actions. These things arent always good, and through my life I have made some bad choices in friends and actions. I think that we all do this because we are afraid to go to God and lay all our junk on the table and ask "Will you love me?" because in life we've been taught that we arent good enough, and that is certainly something I have dealt with in my life. All though my life I always felt that I had to live up to everyones expectaions of me. This especally hit me hard in middle school when i tired to confrom. It tore me apart, i was constantly bouncing from friend to firend without aim. I was adrift in a sea and I didnt know where land was. But I have learned that no matter what junk we have in our life God always says yes! He takes us as-is, with all of our inperfections, screw-ups, and flounders in our life. We often build up walls between us and others because we want to hide our cracked and broken souls. God takes those walls and throws them to the side. He tells me that this messed up life is what he wants it to be. Maybe messing up sucks, but it is what he wants. And somehow I am ok with that."

what if we were all ok with that? just something to think about.